
You've Found Us!!

You've Found Us!!

You’ve found us!!

Are you in search of a job in healthcare?  Do you work in healthcare and want to know where the most talented players in the field are playing today?  Well, Merraine is our name and recruitment is our game!  If you have ever worked with the Merraine Group, you’ve probably already checked us out on our main website:

If not and this is our first introduction, then welcome!!  The Merraine Brain is about all things Merraine.  We are here to bring you a behind-the-scenes perspective on what really goes on in the course of a day with the folks at Merraine.

Let’s start with a few basic tidbits that you probably don’t know about us:

Did you know that…

…….our CEO David plays a mean game of ping pong?

…….his wife makes an awesome salad dressing that could probably sell for 50 bucks a bottle on eBay?

…….Merraine Group Inc. has offices nationwide from New York to Miami to San Diego?

…….we have a company mascot that’s under a foot tall?

…….our organization has staffed over 500 hospitals, medical centers, laboratories, cancer centers, multi-specialty practices and related healthcare organizations across the globe?

There are a lot of other things we can tell you about the Merraine Group, but we want to keep you coming back for more.  So stay tuned and click on the Follow the Merraine Brain button on our Home page to be the first to read our blog updates!!

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Email:    Phone:  858.834.4329