
The Rumor Mill……

The Rumor Mill……

….is alive and buzzing about the Merraine Group……….

What’s all the excitement about, you ask?  Something new is happening to Merraine online and it’s only a matter of time before we hit the web with a few surprises!!  But for now, just a couple of announcements:

Our top recruiters are gearing up for recognition at the yearly conference where we will toast their superb work with our many valued clients and candidates whom we have had the pleasure of working with during the past year.  There is one slight problem:  The M&M’s on David’s desk have the office bunch hitting him up for a raise, as their conference wardrobes aren’t fitting quite the way they used to.  However, David may be offering a company fitness program as an alternate perk.  Darn those M&M’s……..

On a more positive note, we’ve got an adorable new company mascot – Hamudi the Chihuahua!!  The little guy has quite smoothly transitioned into his new role which had been left vacant when Merraine lost its office sweetie Meggie the Bichon just last last summer 🙁    Hamudi does have a way of throwing his weight around in the office though, all five pounds of him.  The staff members prefer sushi but have been overruled twice already when the tiny Chihuahua showed his preference for enchiladas and spicy salsa.  Luckily, a compromise was reached and the office staff decided on rotating ethnic food nights.  Next up:  antipasti and cannolli, to be followed up by bratwurst and spaetzle night.  Gosh, it’s hard to please everyone.

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